

We have a varied selection of clubs for children to join and would like to thank the teachers and parents who volunteer to run them.  Please refer to the Club timetable below for details of this term's clubs.

Should you wish to join a club which is run internally (please check the timetable below for details), please register your child, give parental consent and make payment via Arbor.  

For clubs run by external providers, please see below for details of how to register and pay.

Once allocated a place, children are expected to attend each week except for school absence or medical appointments.  Please let the School Office know as soon as possible if your child is unable to attend.  If a child misses two sessions without good reason we will consider that your child no longer wishes to attend. 

To book your child’s place, please contact KidsActive 
Please book your child’s place via the link below.
To book your child’s place, please contact Dylan Williams of Dylan's Soccer School
Mobile: 07479 223676 
To book your child’s place, please complete and return the attached form to
Mental Fitness Running
The purpose of the club is to combine the benefits of exercise, fresh air and playing with evidenced informed approaches to develop better mental health. There will be a specific learning objective each week that the children can apply between sessions.

This club will differ to a traditional running club as the sport will be used as a medium to help children understand basic psychological concepts and how to apply them in their work and play. Some of the concepts that will feature in the lesson plans will be gratitude, mindfulness, acts of kindness, values in action and emotional intelligence. The children will also learn the importance of taking care of the body before and after exercise.

Please register and pay via SCOpay; and return the registration form below.

Music clubs

  • For lunchtime music clubs, children should be prepared to eat their hot / packed lunch quickly so they can participate in the full session and still get some fresh air in the playground before afternoon lessons begin.
  • Most learning will be done in club time, but members may also be asked to do a small amount of practice in free time.
  • Regular attendance at all music clubs is important throughout the term, especially as performances may take place on the last day of term.
Music - Recorder club 
Please contact school if you cannot provide your child with their own recorder.  All other resources will be provided.
Music - Sing for fun club
An opportunity for small group and solo singing for pleasure at the piano.

"S" Club
"S" is for surprise club….each week we will enjoy a different activity beginning with the letter "S". The club will be a varied range of playful activities which Mrs White hopes will promote children’s creativity and sense of fun. The surprise activity will be revealed to the children at the start of each session.  Please consider whether your child can cope with the element of surprise when signing them up for this club!

Fun Little Linguists is offering the exciting opportunity to children in Years 1 and 2 to learn Spanish. Inspiring a love of languages from a young age is at the heart of every class. Learn Spanish the fun way through songs, games and stories.
More information and recommendations on the flyer attached. Contact to book.

Emma Stevens has been teaching yoga to all ages since 2003.  Children will learn:

  •  Approximately 30 different poses through fun games & challenges
  •  How to relax, to fall asleep quickly and to shake off any worries
  •  Positive teamwork to improve new and existing friendships
  •  New games using the parachute, hoops and balls
  •  How to improve their posture and core strength

To book your child a space please contact Emma Stevens on:

Tel: 07970 80 7389