School Routine

The school is organised into seven classes, each with approximately 30 children. Children are mainly taught in year groups and move through the school with their peers. There are three infant classes (Reception and Key Stage 1) and four junior classes (Key Stage 2). In each class, a variety of whole class, group or individual teaching takes place, depending on the subject and each child’s need. Sometimes classes work together for worship or story times. The infants and juniors have separate playgrounds.   

The School Day


Morning         8:45am to 12:15 pm 

Afternoon      1:15 pm to 3:15 pm 

Total 32 hours 30 minutes per week


Morning        8:45am to 12:20pm

Afternoon     1:20pm to 3:20pm

Total 32 hours 55 minutes per week


Monday           Whole school Worship
Tuesday          KS2 Worship
Wednesday     KS1 Worship
Thursday         Clergy Led Worship
Friday              Whole School Worship led by classes

There is a 15 minute break in the morning for all children. Children may have movement breaks in the afternoon such as completing a daily mile or a class skip.

Children in Reception, Years 1 and 2 enter via the classroom doors in the KS1 playground. Children in Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 will enter via the KS2 playground. The school day starts at 8:45am and the gates will close promptly at 8:55am. Children arriving after that time should enter via the school office. 

At the end of the day, children in Reception or Year 1 should be collected from their classroom door via the KS1 playground. All other classes will be dismissed from the Key Stage 2 playground. At the end of the day, we ask that everyone leaves the playground promptly and children of any age do not not use the climbing frames.