Who are the Governors?
The role of the governing body is a strategic one. The Governors of The Academy are responsible for the appointment of teaching staff, overseeing the general running of the school, including the curriculum and financial matters and also responsible for the exterior of the building.
Its key functions are to:
* set the aims and objectives for the school
* set the policies for achieving those aims and objectives
* set the targets for achieving those aims and objectives
* monitor and evaluate the progress the school is making towards achievement of its aims and objectives
* be a source of support to the head teacher, but also willing to challenge (a critical friend)
If you would like to contact the Chair of Governors, please contact the school office and the admin team will be happy to assist.
Mr John Burwood
Term of Office: 10/09/2028
Category: General Member
Committee: Finance and Premises
Area of Responsibility: Financial Monitoring
Subject Responsibility: Art and D.T.
Mr Joseph Edwards
Term of Office: 14/07/2025
Category: Parent Governor
Committee: Teaching and Learning
Area of Responsibility: Sports Premium
Subject Responsibility: History, Geography and P.E.
Mr Jonathan Macdonald
Term of Office: 29/10/2027
Category: Parent Governor
Committee: Finance and Premises (Chair)
Area of Responsibility: Contracts
Subject Responsibilities: MFL and Music
Mrs Sarah Mitchell
Executive Headteacher
Term of Office: Ex-Officio
Category: Executive Headteacher
Committee: Finance and Premises
Area of Responsibility: Link Governor Training
Dr Wazz Mughal
Chair of Governors
Term of Office: 01/09/2026
Category: General Member
Committee: Finance and Premises
Area of Responsibility: IT
Subject Responsibilities: Maths and Computing
Mr Nick Patterson
Term of Office: 01/09/2026
Category: General Member
Committee: Teaching and Learning
Area of Responsibility: Early Years
Subject Responsibility: English
Dr Andrew Pickering
Term of Office: 01/09/2026
Category: Foundation Governor
Committee: Teaching and Learning
Areas of Responsibilities: Safeguarding and Attendance
Subject Responsibilities: PSHEE and R.E.
Mrs Amy Sargeant
Term of Office: Ex-Officio
Category: Headteacher
Committee: Teaching & Learning
Area of Responsibility: Website
Mrs Natalie Starbuck
Deputy Headteacher
Term of Office: 21/02/2025
Category: Staff Governor
Committee: Teaching & Learning
Areas of Responsibility: Equal Opportunities and Equality, and Governor Visits
Mrs Rachel Thackray
Term of Office: 18/09/2028
Category: General Member
Committee: Finance and Premises
Areas of Responsibility: Health and Safety and Building Maintenance
Subject Responsibility: Science
Mrs Ros Woodcock
Term of Office: 16/09/2028
Category: General Member
Committee: Teaching and Learning
Areas of Responsibility: SEND and Pupil Premium
Mrs Clare Eve
Clerk to the Governors
Mrs Melissa Challinor
Internal Auditor
Governor Types
The Governing Body consists of specified numbers of different categories of governors.
Chair. The Governing Body is led by the Chair who is appointed by the Directors from within the Governing Body membership. However, anyone who works at the school cannot stand for the position. The Vice Chair supports the Chair in their work. The process for election of Chair and Vice Chair and their term of office is set out in the Scheme of Delegation.
Staff Governor: The Directors may appoint up to one person (other than the Headteacher and Executive Headteacher) who is employed at the Academy to serve on the LGB through such process as they determine. The Directors may invite nominations from all staff employed under a contract of employment or a contract for services or otherwise engaged. The staff governor is a link between the staff body and the Governors.
Parent Governors can either be elected by parents of children at the school, or if insufficient numbers are elected, can be appointed by the Governing Body to fill any remaining vacancies. Such appointees need not be parents of children currently attending the school – if no suitable candidates are found, they may be parents of former pupils, or of any child of school age. The role of the parent governor is to bring a parental perspective to the Governing Body.
Foundation Governor ensures that the Christian distinctiveness of the school is upheld.
Co-Opted/Sponsored members, may be appointed by the Governing Body as members of committees, and may include school staff, or anyone else who the Governing Body feels could contribute to its work. Co-opted members only serve for a one year term.
Clerk. The governors are supported in their work by a Clerk to the Governing Body. The Clerk is remunerated for his work and is considered an integral part of the Governing Body, although he is not entitled to vote. Their role is primarily one of providing advice and interpretation on the regulatory and administrative framework in which governors work, preparing and distributing minutes and agendas, keeping records and dealing with correspondence.
Sub Committees
At Great Chesterford C. of E. Primary Academy we have two sub-committees and our governors sit on these committees as follows:
Finance and Premises
Committee Members: Mr J. Burwood, Mr J. Macdonald (Chair), Dr. W. Mughal, Mrs A. Sargeant and Mrs R. Thackray.
To assist the Governing Body’s decision by ensuring sound management of the School’s finances and resources, including proper strategic planning, monitoring, probity and ratification of major expenditure. We work in partnership with the Headteacher to assist in matters concerning the management of teaching and non-teaching staff. This includes staff appointments, performance management, training and development, grievances, complaints, pay and conditions and discipline.
Feel free to come and talk to us about any concerns about the structure of our lovely school as well as any potential ideas you may have for development and improvement.
Teaching and Learning
Committee Members: Mr J. Edwards, Mr N. Patterson, Dr. A. Pickering, Mrs A. Sargeant, Mrs N. Starbuck and Mrs R. Woodcock.
To provide a forum to assist in matters concerning the school curriculum and policy including safeguarding. This includes monitoring and reviewing teaching and learning, access to the curriculum, new curriculum opportunities, examination results against agreed targets, careers education and provision for students with special educational needs.
Please approach us with any concerns you have about how the school is addressing the needs of the national curriculum; performance or bullying. Suggestions for ways in which the curriculum provision could be improved are also always welcome.
Mr Andrew Farrimond
Term of Office: 01/09/2024
Category: Foundation Governor
Committee: Finance and Premises
Areas of Responsibility: Estate Management & Projects; Health & Safety
Subject Responsibility: Science
Mrs Jayne Greenwood
Term of Office: 01/09/2024
Category: General Member
Committee: Teaching and Learning (Chair)
Area of Responsibility: SEND
Mrs Laura Papworth-Saunders
Stepped down: 31/08/2024
Category: General Member
Committee: Finance & Premises (Chair)
Area of Responsibility: Financial Monitoring
Subject Responsibilities: Art and Music
Rev Alex Jeewan
Term of Office: Ex-Officio
Category: Incumbent
Committee: Teaching & Learning
Areas of Responsibility: Religious Education and Worship
Subject Responsibilities: Early Years and R.E.