Parent WhatsApp Groups

Parent WhatsApp Groups
Parent/Carer WhatsApp groups (or groups on other social media platforms) can be a particularly useful way to connect parents in a particular class or year group. Class WhatsApp groups have been voluntarily set up by the parents in each class and endeavour to include all parents with children in the class. There is no requirement to join these groups and participation is voluntary.
Ideally, these group chats are used as an efficient means of receiving relevant updates and reminders about school events that have been published in the newsletter, the sharing of information that is of general interest to all parents in the class or a forum to offer any supportive parenting advice.
The messages in the class or year WhatsApp groups come from parents/carers in their personal capacity. The school does not post directly on any WhatsApp parent/carer groups, nor do we have ‘parent advocates’ who post messages on our behalf.
Code of Conduct
Most of the time, group chats using social media platforms will be a beneficial resource and an enjoyable place to be in. However, these same spaces also have the power to inflame; they are a potential source of misinformation and can fuel bad feeling. At worst, online parent communication groups have the potential to create unnecessary concerns. In order to prevent any offence or upset, we expect that everyone using these groups within our school community read and follow the notes and guidelines listed below:
  • The group should never be used as a platform to air views/grievances regarding a member of staff, child or parent in the class or school.
  • The group should never be used as a platform to air views/grievances regarding school policy or practice.
  • Messages posted on the WhatsApp Class Groups should be supportive and respectful of all other group users.
  • The group is not a political platform for airing opinions on current affairs
  • The group should not be used for private conversations with anyone else using the group.
  • Bullying is not to be tolerated and should be reported;
  • Only parents/carers of a child in the school, should be invited to the group. If a child leaves the school, the parents/carers should be removed from the group.
  • The group should be used keeping in mind mutual respect and cultural sensitivity between all its members. 
The school considers the following activity inappropriate:
  • Open criticism of staff, pupils or other parents or any member of the school community.
  • Displays of anger including swearing, or using offensive language.
  • 'Calling out' the parenting of other parents or discussing issues about individual children.
  • Posting aggressive, defamatory or libellous comments.
  • Publicly challenging school policies or practice, or perpetuating rumours that are not known to be true.
Raising Concerns
If you have any concerns about your child at school or in relation to another child, you should contact your class teacher in the first instance. If your concern remains, or if your concern is about a member of staff, you should contact the Headteacher or Deputy Headteacher. For all other information regarding complaints, please consult our Complaints Policy. 
If you are concerned about inappropriate comments on a parents WhatsApp group, please contact our Senior Leadership Team, in confidence, by emailing the school on